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We have an ever growing list of exhibitors and attractions, please see below or follow us on social media to find out who will be joining us on the day.

Applications from vehicle exhibits, trade stands and local craft and produce stalls are now being accepted for 2025.


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Golden Valley Classic Show

Hundreds of vehicles on display. Tractors, classic cars, motorbikes and more. See their Facebook page for more images and information:

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Golden Valley Classic Show

The Welsh Axemen

The sport derives from bygone days where chainsaws were not invented and man power had to be used in the forestry. These days the sport is based around using razor sharp axes cutting through lengths of timber (using an Axe or Saw) in either the fastest time, or (for Axe) minimum blows. The timber can be vertical (simulating a tree) or horizontal (the felled timber)

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Find out more about The Welsh Axemen on their Facebook page:

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The North Herefordshire Pony Club

HOYS Champions for the last 2 years, the North Herefordshire Pony Club host a hot competition in anticipation of the 2024 qualifiers. Find out more about the club on their Facebook page:

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Raptorcare Falconry

Find out more about the stunning birds of prey and their fantastic displays.


The House of the Twin Tailed Lion Medieval Re-enactment

An authentic 13th century re-enactment group portraying the "De Montforts", including combat. See their Facebook page for more images and information:

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Tug of War

Hay on Wye Tug of War Club are joining the show. More details to follow.
Contact Rhys Bowen – 07989 303502

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Fortiscorde Gundogs

Fortiscorde Gundogs will be providing a fantastic gundog display in the main arena and a have a go scurry throughout the day. Take a look at their website:


The Viking Games - Axe Throwing

The Viking Games will be providing the oportunity to have a go at Axe throwing. Take a look at their website to find out more about the activity:


Pink Welly Family Dog Show

The Pink Welly Team are back. Take part in the family dog show or teach your dog a new trick.

Enter at the Pink Welly Arena on the day, show starts at Midday.


Lots to enjoy for you and your dog!

See more pictures on the Pink Welly Facebook page:

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Ferret World - Medievial Warrener

Ferret World and their medievial warrener show will be joining us in the main arena and with a static display for both adults and children to participate in.


Air Rifle Range

Bedworth A.R.C will be providing 'Have A Go' Rifle Shooting, suitable for all ages to take part. Take a look at them on FaceBook:

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An Evening of Live Music

Whether you can join us in the day or not, we have live music from 7pm onwards in our barn. Do not miss fantastic live performances from Wellard Willy and The BBC Acoustic Band.  Full Bar and Food available. Music tickets sold separately.

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Gwatkin Cider, Moorhampton Park Farm, Abbey Dore, Herefordshire, HR2 0AL

E /

Emma -  07517 428 380    Sam - 07879 628 235

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